Expressions of Glory and Riches (Part 2)

A Kings Crown and the Crown of Thorns


Minister: Pastor Emmanuel Dansu

Text: Revelation 5:11-12
Glory and riches are expressed in light (brightness), abundance (affluence), weight (influence and responsibility), majesty (breathtaking royalty). We turn our focus on riches in this study.
Riches in the sense of the Old Testament is basically about material abundance, sufficiency, treasure and wealth. Other ways to view riches would be in terms of fatness and substance.
It is clear that the little a righteous man has far outweighs the abundance of many wicked people (Psalm 37:16-20).
The wealth and legacy of a righteous person are transgenerational (Psalm 112:1-3, 6).
Our riches only become kingdom riches when we do God’s will with them. That is the implication of honouring God with our substance. As we so honour God, we create room for expansion and enlargement (Proverbs 3:9, 10).
Knowledge is crucial in generating riches. You can only be rich to the extent to which you are knowledgeable (Proverbs 24:3, 4).
It is God’s will that we generate wealth and enjoy our fair share of it. God does not want us to labour in vain (Ecclesiastes 5:18, 19; 6:1, 2).
Riches in the New Testament can be either material or spiritual. Associated words include fulness and abundance. When we set our hearts on material riches, they can hold us back from God’s kingdom (Mark 10:17-25).
Spiritual riches are things money cannot buy. They are the resources we need to do the will of God. Some of these riches are God’s goodness, forbearance, long-suffering, glory, etc. (Romans 2:4; 9:22-24; 11:33).
God is rich in grace and glory so that we might be redeemed from sin and be enlightened about the hope of His calling. That way, we can be gathered under the headship of Christ who embodies God’s glory (Read Ephesians 1, 2, 3).
Material riches are subject to corruption. However, proper use of material riches can help us secure spiritual riches that endure forever (Matthew 6:19-21; 1 Timothy 6:17-19).
In God’s wisdom, He has invested His limitless riches in us not minding our frailty. He did this in hope that after so much suffering, we will finally come into the glory He created us for (2 Corinthians 4:6-10).

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