We are Christ’s Sceptres

10TH APRIL, 2022

Minister: Pastor Bola Bello

Text: Genesis 49:9
The major problem of the church is lack of proper definition of what we stand for. We have not properly understood what our needs and responsibilities are. It is very important to know what God calls us so that we can function properly. Not knowing our name makes it very difficult for us to know what we are called to do. There are many tribes traversing the surface of the Earth but we have chosen to identify with the Tribe of Judah as Christians. We are in the midst of predators who work against what our kingdom stands for. They are the holders of earthly scepters and their major functionality is to hold us prey to their plots (Genesis 49:9).
We seek the face of God because we no longer want to be victims in the hands of our predators. In Genesis 49, we see Judah stooping down to gather strength and power in the presence of God and rising up to become a lion (Genesis 58:9-10). We must know that there is going to be a progression of authority and dominion when Shiloh (Christ) comes.
Genesis 41:38-43
The church has a heavenly calling to rule and influence political power. We can trace this to the Scripture right from the time of Saul and Samuel.
Sceptre means authority. It is a compendium of laws. It is meant for rulership; it is a symbol of kingship. We must understand that a sceptre is not just a rod, it is a man. The words of the carrier of a sceptre are the words of the king he represents. The carrier of a sceptre has the same authority as the king. Joseph was a replica of the Church; he stood for what the Church is and what is expected of her (Genesis 41:43).
Hebrew 1:8
When we activate the rulership of Christ in our domains, He rules through us with his sceptre of righteousness.
1 Peter 2:9
The word ‘royal’ talks about kingdom representation. It talks about our kingship and priesthood offices as Christians. Moses and David were examples of kingship and priesthood; they understood their ordination. They were quick to repent when they went wrong because they were fully aware of what was expected of them. Our lives must be patterned according to the Scripture; this will make us understand why we must not live by imitating others.
Ephesians 6:20
We must know what is expected of an ambassador. Ambassadors are restricted; they are constrained by rules and orders. As Christians, we are ambassadors of Christ and we are constrained by the rule of righteousness. We must always live with that consciousness.

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