The Glory of the Kingdom

29TH MARCH 2022

Minister: Pst. Seyi Osanyinbi

We can find scattered information across the Scripture about the glory of God’s Kingdom. Moses was summoned to the mountain, shown the picture of God’s temple in its glory and asked to replicate what he saw on the earth.
Isaiah 6:1-7; Psalms 145:11; Daniel 4:36
When we talk about the glory of the kingdom, it is basically all that constitutes the temple of God which represents His presence. The Shekinah glory over the Ark of Covenant typifies the glory of God. In other words, you can only appreciate what a kingdom is by looking at the glory in its courts.
In John 14:1-4, Jesus gave the idea that there are mansions in heaven and in Ephesians 1:3, Paul juxtaposed what Jesus said with spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. In essence, we can refer to mansions as dimensions in God.
Revelation 7:15
Jesus came to take back the glories of the kingdom but Satan will not have any of that and so we are locked in a battle. As believers, we should always be battle ready knowing that the reclaiming of glory is not an easy task.
2 Peter 3:10-14; Revelation 21:1-14
God has promised us a new earth and new heavens as believers and every one of us will be a part of the final building. Hence, every individual as a temple is also a block in the temple God is building. As such, we must be careful of the material with which we build.
To have a full understanding, we have to go back and consider how Solomon built his temple. Just like his temple was built without noise, the Kingdom of God which is the Church of Jesus is being built stealthily. It may look like nothing is happening but the whole world will be shocked to see what magnificent building God is erecting. When it is all done, the glory will be fully restored.

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