13TH MARCH, 2022
Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
The Second Coming of Jesus and our gathering together unto Him are events that will happen at the same time; Jesus will come and we will all be gathered unto Him. The day of His coming is referred to as the Day of the Lord in the Old Testament.
Jesus warned that we should not allow anyone to deceive us because the desire of the devil is that believers get deceived. The second sign of His coming is that the Man of Sin, also known as the Son of Perdition, will appear and proclaim himself God in the Most Holy Place. The Great Tribulation is going to be caused by this man of perdition. We need to understand that tribulation is not the wrath of God (Revelation 12:12).
Deuteronomy 30:16-19, Exodus 22:10-12
God has principles and He is very consistent in His dealings with mankind. He is loving yet He is terrible. His love for mankind will not stop Him from being a just rewarder of every one according to their good or bad deeds. The only thing that can stop Him is the intercession of an intercessor. This explains why Jesus stands as an Advocate for us before the Father (Number 1:53).
1 John 1:9; Hebrews 9:14,15; 12:24
Confession of sins is for believers and not for unbelievers as it has been popularly preached to us. Believers can sometimes fall out of line and that is why the Holy Spirit was given to us so as to quicken our conscience to repentance whenever we sin. Whenever we come to the realization of our sins, we must be very specific when confessing and asking for forgiveness. We must also never be afraid or too proud to ask for the forgiveness of our sins. As many times as you realize that you have fallen short, you must be willing to seek God’s forgiveness. The major problem of the Israelites was their refusal to repent and confess their sins.
Romans 1:18, Romans 2:8, Ephesians 2:4
There are going to be only two rewards: Glory and wrath. God sees an unbeliever who has despised the Gospel of Christ as a child of wrath. The purpose of salvation is for an active engagement with God rather than a passive followership. Our motive for being Christians and for acting the way we do must be checked. All things were created for God’s pleasure; we do not own ourselves and we must be willing to live lives of accountability (Revelation 4:11).
Revelation 6:1-16
The wars, economic crises, hunger and deaths going on around the world show the operations of the seals. The stars falling may be literal stars or angels that are also referred to as stars.
God’s judgment on Egypt did not get to Goshen because God always preserves His people; as far as we are His people, he can keep us through the most terrible experiences.
Once we cross into eternity, our fate is sealed. There is no repentance once we cross the divide. The wrath of God is not for the Children of God. However, the operations of the Antichrist are mainly to persecute God’s people.
We must always strive to do righteousness because the wrath of God is preserved for workers of iniquity. God is love but He is also a consuming fire. We cannot afford to take Him for granted.