JOHN 1:17

The secular world has sold a messed up version of love to us so much so that it is difficult for people to really understand, accept and appropriate God’s love.
In Moses’ era, the law took precedence and people could hardly get over it. Outside the law, nothing existed. Jesus’ arrival brought in grace and truth that was never known before.
Grace is the strength of God that He gives us to obey Him. Grace is only applicable in the context of our relationship with God. The operation of grace helps us to fulfill God’s agenda not our personal goals.
Truth is only found in Jesus. Any other testimony that didn’t emanate from Jesus is false. Any act of benevolence outside of Christ is not reckoned with by God.
In Jesus is Life; that Life is the Light of men which shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend it.
Malachi 1:1-3
God’s choice of Jacob was an act of love which made his lineage the recipient of God’s inheritance.
We often take God’s love for granted because there are certain incorrect indices with which we measure His love. The fact that we are in the beloved is sufficient to show that God loves us.
1 John 3:1
It is an awesome privilege to be called a son of God. Our brotherhood with Jesus testifies of God’s unquantifiable relationship with us. Our joint heir-ship with Jesus confers on us the right to inherit everything that belongs to Jesus. We are royalty by virtue of that relationship. The love God has bestowed on us is nothing compared to what the angels have.
We judge ourselves based on what the world says and so we look down on ourselves. As Christians, we must be proud of our identity in Jesus no matter what anybody feels about us.
Romans 8:35-39
Tribulations, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril and sword may try to separate us from the love of God but we must understand that that love has such a magnetizing power that nothing can pull us away from it.
When there was yet no hope for us, Jesus died for us. People are known to die for their friends but it can be quite foolhardy to die for one’s enemies.
We are conquerors because God is committed to us as we show our commitment to Him. We must have such tough skin that nothing anybody does can wean us from God’s love.
Commitment is a component of love that must not be lost on us. No matter what arises along the way, our commitment to God should keep us going.
Ephesians 3:16ff
God works in our inner man so that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith being grounded and rooted in LOVE. The world can only know us through the love we have one for another. We need God to pour His love into our hearts because we have no future outside of God’s love.

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