7th December 2021

Minister: Pst. Seyi Osanyinbi

The story of the Queen of Sheba was not put in the Bible accidentally. The Holy Ghost put that woman’s story in the Bible as a typology of people who will go seek the King Himself. Remember the men who came from the East to visit Jesus at His birth. To get up from your comfort zone and travel that distance risking attacks from bandits, risking the discomfort of such dangerous trip through the wilderness reveals the heart of a seeker, the heart of a pilgrim and a person who is ready to pay a price for the kingdom.
They were seeking for the King of the Kingdom. Jesus alluded to this when He said a man found a treasure and went to sell all he has so that he could buy it. This kind of attitude is not such that you find that is common among men who do not know what they want in life. It is for people who are ready to pay the price to see the King.
Many gave their lives to Christ because they were afraid of going to Hell. For some, it is the promise of breakthrough and for others, it is for the promise of love. Fathers of faith as appraised in Hebrews 11:13ff, all died having in them the attitude that seeks for the King of the Kingdom such that at their death, they were still hoping. If they had paid attention to where they were leaving and what they were going to give up, they probably would have gone back. In fact, God gave them many opportunities to go back but they were resolute in their hearts and desired a better country that is heavenly. If you do not have this kind of attitude, God may not identify you as one of His own.
Moses wanted to see the face of the Lord in Exodus 33:18ff and as far as he was concerned, that was the ultimate experience of all he had laboured for. In other words, all he was asking for was the privilege of looking into God’s face. That was his ultimate ambition. This was the same thing Jesus taught when He asked that we seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness. That kingdom is not about a place but about a person. The same request made by Moses which was denied in Exodus is what will become the ultimate reward of all faithful seekers as recorded in Revelation 22:1-4.
Eternal life has the capacity to withstand whatever is coming from the throne. And when we behold all that will be unveiled, we will have more than a million reasons to worship His majesty. When we talk about the glory of this kingdom, it is actually about what the King has made it. Heaven is not heaven because it heaven, it is called heaven because the King dwells there.
The presence of God anywhere will change the shape and structure of the place. If you are smart, your best bet is to find a way of laying hold upon Him. He is the treasure that we must seek. Do not be distracted by the things around you, keep your focus on the King because ultimately, we are going to see His face. We will reign with Him.
Romans 2:7 explain why we do well. The reason we do well is because of something we are seeking for. The seeking imposes upon us genuine requirements which we must adhere to. Satan will distract as many as He can distract but it is your responsibility to make up your mind not to be distracted. You have to know how to press if you must lay hold of that which you have been called to seek.

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