The Calling of the Church

24th October 2021

Text: Act 26:16

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

The word ‘witness’ is a legal term and there are four types; expert witness (one who has technical knowledge of a thing), eyewitness (one who was present where and when something happened), character witness (one who provide positive testimony of the character of another person) and fact witness (one who gives testimony of their experiences).

1 John 1:1-2 gives an example of an eyewitness and a fact witness. The Apostles bore witness of eternal life because they had seen and experienced it; this gave them the boldness to preach eternal life to the people of their days. If we will be true witnesses, we need to go beyond mere seeing and yearn for experiences. We must give ourselves to studying to gain an in-depth understanding. 

Salvation is a legal transaction and evangelism becomes more effective when we can give the testimonies of our experiences. Through our experiences shared, people understand who they will be and what they will enjoy when they also come to Christ. Therefore, we must ensure we do not project a wrong impression about God to others because that will make us false witnesses.

The Gospel is meant for both the rich and the poor, therefore, we must be strategic at all times in dispensing it. Every day you meet people is an opportunity to talk about God; you will give account of how you used all the opportunities. Even in situations when you cannot speak, your way of life and conduct must reveal God to others.

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