The Privilege of Having Access into God’s Presence

10th October 2021

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

One of the major things that the New Testament did for us is that it granted us access into the presence of God. Without access, nothing would ever be accomplished. Everything about our lives revolves around His presence. Without God’s presence, there is no hope because His presence guarantees us of the fullness of joy and life forever.

In the Old Testament, only the high priest had access to the most holy place but that was not the original, eternal purpose of God for man. The original intention was that the whole of Israel would be a nation of priests, where everyone would be able to meet and talk to God. Unfortunately, many of us have chosen to remain with the old order forgetting that the veil has been broken and access has been granted to us as believers. Many have chosen to draw back from what we have been originally called to be. 

The man who has access to the throne of God is he who is truly powerful. When we have access to stand before the presence of God, there is nothing that can alter anything we speak or declare. Hebrews 12:20-22 – Coming into God’s presence requires energy and staying requires endurance. We should cultivate a habit of always staying in His presence. We must learn to have a relationship with Jesus our Lord, and understand how to use it, else in the days of trouble we will not be able to achieve much. 

What differentiates us from unbelievers is our unfettered access to God. However, God is a King and there are procedures to coming into His presence. We must understand the protocols of the courts of heaven. We cannot just barge in there and begin to talk anyhow. His presence is a place of fear. 

God’s presence is important and we have been given access. Jesus has done everything for us to have access to God and His life. It’s such an awesome privilege.

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