The Kingdom Life (Part 4)

5th October 2021

Minister: Pst Bola Bello

The prophetic is one stream of ministry that is slippery yet it is the most sought for. Taking a close look at the Scripture, it will be observed that the prophetic exists from Genesis to Revelation. Hence, it is important to know what the Scripture says so that we can know what is right. That way, we remain standing even when the enemy brings the counterfeit.

John 10:1-3

There are so many entrances into the spirit realm but the valid path is through Jesus (Verse 2). A lot of persons have accessed the prophetic realm through various means. Hence, the sheep need to be trained to hear the voice of the Shepherd. It is necessary that we invest in training ourselves to know who is a shepherd and who is a thief or robber. 

People need to understand that the prophetic is normal and obtainable around them and they do not need to run from one mountain to another trying to hear the words of a prophet being pronounced over them. Unfortunately, many of these people who men run to operate by the spirit of sorcery. In Acts 8:10, Simon was highly esteemed though he operated by sorcery. 

There are so-called prophets in the present day whose followers have been bewitched and so they act like God. These men could be bewitched because they do not have an understanding of the Scripture. Hence, it is important to know the hallmark of prophecy, which is that it produces righteousness. It is about rebuke, correction and leading us in the path of God. 

God desires that we come to Him at all times to seek clarity about His words. People seek extra knowledge from other places because they do not have an understanding of what has been given to them. God is enough; we can consult with Him and get answers to our questions. God can also speak to us through our feelings (2 Samuel 3:8); when you pay attention to your feelings, God can open a clearer realm to you.

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