The Kingdom Life (Part 3)

September 28th, 2021

Ministering: Pst Bola Bello

What makes the difference between believers in Christ and others in the world is the capacity to hear the voice of the Spirit. The kingdom life is about hearing the voice of the Spirit. We enjoy the kingdom when we can hear and understand the speaking of the Holy Spirit. God speaks to the church and to individuals. There is no better administrator than God and one of the ways He governs and instructs us is through His voice. 

Today, the Church, like the Israelites, desires to hear the voice of Moses instead of the voice of God. Many want to hear the words of men. However, as believers, we should desire the voice of God in order to build communion with Him.

Prophecy is one of the ways by which God’s voice comes to man. 2 Peter 1:20-21 establishes that no prophecy is of man but from God. The prophecies in the Scripture are valid and immutable; they are sacrosanct and cannot fail. Unfortunately, we have so much abused the prophecies in the scripture that we see no value in them anymore. We now prefer to exalt that which comes from man. 

The word of God resists things on our behalf. The word of God is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. The word reveals secrets. The prophecies in the Scripture can change situations and circumstances if taken seriously. It is essential that we know more of the word of God so that the prophecies, blessings and promises contained in it can find application in our lives.

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