The Dimensions of God’s Word

27th June, 2021

Text: Deuteronomy 32:1,2

Minister: Pastor Emmanuel Dansu

For every phase of life we find ourselves in, there is always a word of God that comes just the way it should. However, in order to receive it accurately, our hearts must be well positioned.

If we care to go far with God, we will need every dimension of God’s word to be thoroughly furnished. And for this reason, we will be looking at different dimensions of the word of God today.

Jeremiah 23:28-29

Unlike false prophets whose words are like shafts, the word of the Lord is WHEAT. The word of God is FIRE: it destroys things that do not matter and leave things that we need for growth. Fire consumes, destroys and purifies. If we want people to appreciate us and see us as a people of substance, then we must allow the fire of God work upon us.

Most of us still have some things dominating our lives today because we have not allowed the word of God to rest on us as fire. So we need the word of God as fire to consume every shaft so only the wheat can remain.

The word of God can be likened to a HAMMER that breaks rock into pieces. So, if you have a very hardened heart, the word of God can break it and mend it just the way it should be. The breaking process might not be interesting but there are some states of heart that only the dimension of the word of God as a hammer can deal with.

The word of God can also be seen as a SEED. It was the word that was first sown in our hearts at the point of salvation. And just as a seed grows into a tree and eventually produces fruits, the word of God is expected to grow in us.

The word of God is FOOD, which we are to desire for growth (1 Peter 2:1-3; Matthew 4:1-4). The word of God is food enough to sustain and replenish us.

The word of God is a LAMP that gives light (Psalms 119:105,130). The word is also LIGHT. For us to walk successfully, we need the light to see what is ahead. At every point in time, we need guidance and the word of God is the absolute guide; it shows us how to move and progress. A lot of us are confused and stranded because we have not allowed the light dimension of God’s word in our lives.

The word of God is like a MIRROR. We have to keep looking so we can be changed continuously into the image of Jesus Christ (James 1:21-25).

The word of God is WATER (Ephesians 5:25-27) to wash and cleanse us in all things. The word of God is also SWORD (Hebrews 4:12,13) that provides defence for us against the enemy.

We need light and water to make the seed of God’s word thrive in our hearts. We need hammer to break rocky terrains and fire to consume thorny soil.

The word of God is fire to purify and preserve us; food to nourish us; hammer to break us; light to guide us; mirror to show us our true states; a seed that grows in us; sword to help us launch attacks on the enemy and water to wash us.

We cannot be a people prepared if our hearts are not right for the seed of God that is being sown. We also need the right administration of the word of God so we can bring forth a hundred-fold fruit of the word of God.

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