Secret to Expressing the Power of the Kingdom: Intimacy with God

Hands closed in prayer on an open bible

11th May 2021

MINISTER: Sis Mercy Alabi

Relationship is everything. We exist as relational beings. Every day, we relate with different people. Relationship is basic to our existence. We can make relationships by decision. The same way we relate with our fellow humans, we should also build a relationship with God according (James 4:8). Our relationship with God should not just be a one off thing; it does not stop with just giving our life to Christ. We are supposed to grow in our relationship with God.

In this dispensation, we are so busy with many things that we do not create enough time for God. We ask for so much but get little because we are not ready to put in the commitment and the time needed.

We ask for more than our capacity but we don’t get it because God cannot trust us enough to grant our requests. Many times, we are not fit enough for what we are asking for.

We find it difficult to obey simple instructions yet we want to get more power and grace. When we are intimate with God, He shapens us and prunes us to be fit for what we are asking for. Intimacy with God makes us dependent on Him. It is not enough for us to get power, we need to maintain it and it is only our intimacy with God that can sustain His power in us.

We are strengthened to keep moving when we become intimate with God. Daily devotion to God through His word and prayers is a necessity if we must cultivate our relationship with Him.

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