Made strong by the Spirit

13th April, 2021

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

The operation of the Kingdom does not give room for us to boast of anything (Zechariah 4:6). God never called us to accomplish what we have capacity to do, rather, He calls us to accomplish tasks that are beyond us.

Reading through Hebrews 11:13, we realize that it is important that we finish in this race of life and we have to finish well.  When things are not working for you, God will give you the privilege of going back to where you came from. Verse 32 of Hebrews 11 further establishes that there is nothing we can do of our own self just like the heroes of Faith despite their accomplishments, had their weaknesses. They all had nothing attractive yet, and were made strong.

A major key that unlocks things in the Kingdom is the Holy Ghost. More so, there is a divine process that must be understood and followed. Responsibility in the kingdom is not about title, it is about functionality. There is a place of making men and it is the Holy Ghost that does that work. Whatever is needed for your commission is what the Holy Ghost will do for you. There is nothing God would have accomplished on earth without the Holy Ghost.

The issue is not about you or what you carry, it is about the dimension of the Holy Spirit you can access. As powerful as Jesus is, He was constrained to only what the Holy Ghost wanted Him to do. Working with the Holy Spirit is not an easy discipline, it takes a lifetime commitment.

No matter what you do, without the Holy Ghost, it is not acceptable. The men of old became what they became because of the Holy Spirit. We will never become anything except we learn of the Spirit. Until we know the way of the Spirit, we cannot make an impact. Our primary assignment must be to exalt Christ which is also the ultimate work of the Holy Ghost.

The men listed in Ephesians 4:11 carried a dimension of Christ as Christ finds expression through them just because their purpose is to exalt Christ and not themselves. These men have been built. We will continue to proclaim ourselves unless we have been built by God. verse 12 stated that the work of the Holy Ghost is to perfect the saints. In essence, whatever capacity you have been given is meant for the perfection of the saints but it takes time.

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