We Are Not Like Them

March 21st, 2021

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Text: Romans 12:1-3

It is clear that most of us (believers) are blind to who we are, what we have and what has been made available to us as children of God. We are oblivious of the simple truth that we are not like the unbelievers. It is either one is a child of God or a child of the devil.

The reason why the world hates us is because we are not like them. However, we are tempted still to live our lives according to how the world operates. This is an aberration, to say the least. We need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds; we need to subject our thoughts to the word of God.

We don’t need to copy the customs and ways of the world. We are different. The people of God are distinct. We do not have to dress like them, talk like them or behave like them (Matthew 10:32-33).

Ezekiel 44:23,26, Ephesians 4:11-15

The primary assignment of priests is to discern and differentiate that which is holy from that which is profane. Ministers and ministry gifts have been given the responsibility of equipping men and bringing them to perfection. Thus, they must know how to judge right from wrong so they can effectively bring correction to the way men live their lives.

All through the Scripture, we see that the children of God are distinct. We have been called and set apart unto God. It is so pathetic that many of us think we are as helpless as the people of the world.

David latched on to the Covenant of Circumcision to confront Goliath without getting intimated by Goliath’s impressive history and towering personality. If we know who we really are, things that scare people will mean nothing to us.

As God’s people, we have liberty but it is liberty to be servants. It is liberty to operate within the confines of God’s will.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

We are now in that time when people will no longer long for sound doctrine. We must make up our minds to always accept the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may sound to us. We must be committed to hearing and doing truth so we do not fall away.

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