The Love of the Father towards Man

16TH MARCH 2021

Minister: Mrs Bunmi Bello

For some time now we have been talking about the power of the kingdom of God. The kingdom is where all glory belongs to God and sin and diseases are conquered because of the influence of God. He created everything for man’s benefit even before He created man. God gave man the power to rule over all He created (Genesis 2:26, 28-30).

Genesis 2:7

God wants man to live and reign forever with Him. Despite man’s fall, God still wanted to relate with man and He sent His only begotten son to save us. Jesus came as a door to God, the Father. He came to reconcile us back to God and to teach us the way of righteousness. He came as an example for man to follow.

John 10:9, John 8:12, John 14:6

Jesus came as light for us so that we will not walk in darkness. Everything about God has been put into Christ who came to give us life, not religion. Jesus restored man back to fellowship with God.  We have the Kingdom within us because we have received Jesus Christ into our lives.

When Jesus was leaving the earth, He gave us the Holy Spirit in His stead. The Holy Ghost can teach us all things, therefore, we need His help in every area of our lives. We need Him in our weaknesses and strengths.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. The Holy Ghost is the One that will make us relevant in God’s kingdom. Kingdom power is non-existent in the absence of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 12:1-2

As members of God’s kingdom, we are to do things that will populate His kingdom, not things that will bring it down. The way we live our lives matters. We all should consecrate our lives to God.

Owing to His love, the Father has made the power of the kingdom available to us in order that we might implement His agenda everywhere we are.

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