12th January, 2021


Wonders are awesomely mysterious things, events and occurrences that cause astonishment. The scriptures are filled with scenarios of signs and wonders at play either by God or by men (of God).  Jesus said without signs and wonders men will not believe (John 4:48). God also spoke through signs especially in the Old Testament with the patriarchs (Isaiah 7:14, Judges 6:17-24, 2 Kings 20:8-11).

The following are important things to note:

  • God’s signs and wonders are not limited to a people or a place (Daniel 6:27).
  • These signs should follow us, we are not to seek them (Mark 16:18). Signs and wonders are manifestations that should follow us as Christians. These include casting out devils, taking up serpents without being hurt and praying for the sick for healing.
  • It is normal for children to work in signs and wonders (Isaiah 8:18).
  • The manifestation of these signs should be among people who need freedom. Therefore, we must go out to reach them.
  • We have been given authority over all the power of the enemies (Luke 10:19).
  • We must learn to reverence God and fear Him.
  • If we truly desire manifestations, we must do away with fear and not relegate the power of God in our midst. Let us stop settling for the less.

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