Sin as an appetizer for death

28th July, 2020

Ministering: Pastor Bola Bello 

Last week, we learnt how improper interpretation of biblical terms can hinder our understanding of scriptures.Also, the use of synonymity, which though, depicts different terminologies but being interpreted as same has also become a challenge in biblical interpretation. Again, we learnt about the role of the mind, soul and conscience in our warfare against the flesh. This week, we will learn how our heart can generate an appetite or desire for sin.

2 Samuel 23:13-16

Most times when we read this scripture, we take note of the mighty men of David and praise them but, we do not consider the implication of the request of David for the water of Bethlehem on the lives of these men. Though they were loyal to provide what David requested, their lives were endangered by the request, hence David was prompted in giving the water back unto God. If this was not done, David would have been guilty of the lust of flesh. Lust is capable of destroying a man though it looks enticing and inviting to the soul.

There is always an inner emptiness/void in every man created by sin. Sin always makes you feel disadvantaged when you compare yourself with your peers in terms of what you have and have not. It makes you think there is an unfulfillment in you and prompts you to always want to fill the void by all means. This feeling of emptiness is the starting point for the operation of sin and death. The temptation to sin never comes in the form of evil; it always comes in the form of something that you need. It is always wrapped in attractive packages.

Sin weaves desire and purposes in the heart of man, and would go ahead to circumvent it, if the man is not spiritually alert. There is nothing wrong with a man having ambitions and desires but such must be in line with God’s desire and purpose for him. If your desire does not tally with God’s then it is not right. Spirits could drop desires in human’s heart; wrong or right desires. Therefore, it is essential that you guard your heart diligently (Proverbs 4:23). When your heart is guarded, you will only permit right desires and ambitions.

Genesis 4:3-7

The desire of Cain to offer a sacrifice to God was good, but was it weaved into his heart by God? Since we cannot find that he had antecedent for such an offering, we can safely conclude that someone must have dropped it into his heart. The offering on its own was with good intention, but the work of sin in his heart went ahead of him to circumvent it, hence he could not bring the best offering to God. Saul the king also brought an offering which was not commanded by God. Saul of Tarsus killed people for God against the commandment of God. These and many others disobeyed the commandment of God and yielded to the commandment of Sin.

Ephesians 6:11, Romans 7:10-11

Sin is not just an act of omission or commission, but another commandment. Sin always extracts the commandment of God from man’s heart and plants its own commandment in us, so that it can own us as its property. Sin activates rebellion in man causing man to follow its commandments which always lead man into disaster. The devil also manipulates us to think that sin only happens in the big things of our lives, the truth however is that sin operates in even little things.

Sin tries to make itself another god in the heart of a man. It turns itself to an idol (Colossians 3:5). It exists as an idol which you do not need to physically bow to but which you worship when you obey its dictates. Sin creates a longing in man and pushes us to yield and once we do, we have already obeyed its commandment.



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