The Nature of the Last Days

Preacher: Pastor (Mrs) Bola Osanyinbi

Text: 2 Timothy 3: 1- 7

Looking at the nature of the world and the present situation of things around us, it is obvious that we are in the last days. Paul taught Timothy many things, he explained things to him about the church in particular so that he does not make assumptions and take things for granted. The present-day church seems to be dying gradually; she is falling away instead of being established. Satan does not want us to stand and he has successfully confused the church so far because we do not know the grace that has been made available to us (Luke 22: 28 – 29).

In the last days:

  • Satan will try to bring people into apostasy with false teachings (1 Timothy 4: 1 – 3): False teachers are rising everywhere. They come in their deception intending to change the path of believers. The overall aim is to make people come into an understanding that will not allow them to come into the fullness of Christ.


  • There will be falling away by persecution (Matthew 24: 9): Satan does bring fear of persecution into people’s hearts. Therefore, we must be grounded in the things of God and understand the grace that has been made available through Christ. When we do, we will not be easily swayed away or discouraged by the challenges that we will face.


  • The love of the worldwill drive many away (1John 2: 15): As children of God, we ought to submit to God completely. Unfortunately, many still hold on to their past lives, they still love the world. Whoever still walks or love the world has not allowed themselves to be cleansed by the Lord.


  • The last days will be perilous (2 Timothy3:1 – 7): These are terrible times and they come in seasons. If we do not take our stand in the Lord, these seasons can come upon us suddenly and overcome us. The perilous times is filled with blasphemers; people who say a lot of unacceptable things about the Lord, the covetous and the disobedient. Perilous times are times of uncertainty and if we must survive this time, we must trust the Lord to help us from falling. We must understand that we have been washed and have become children of God (Ephesians 4: 13- 16, 6: 11; 1 Corinthians 6: 11).

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