The Gospel of  the Kingdom (part 2)

Pastor Dele Olubi

Last week we started our discussion on God’s kingship and talked about His wondrous works revealing His supreme nature. Today we will continue the teaching on God’s Kingship by considering His throne. We must understand that the throne is God’s office and represents His authority. The throne is beyond the chair. The throne of God has a foundation and God Himself is. God is a father and also a judge. There is only one compass for righteousness and that is God himself. Even satan was familiar with God’s throne and wanted it but forgot that only God can sit on His throne. When God sits on His throne, he is the compass for what is right. Whoever God declares righteous cannot be less righteous. Abraham made some wrongs but God still declared him righteous because of His faith. You need to understand that what saved you is stronger than you can imagine. God’s throne has been from everlasting before you even came into existence. God is powerful that his breath will destroy the beast to come.

[biblegateway passage=”Luke 6:35″ display=”Luke 6:35″] – God has attributes and characteristics, and He expects us to be like Him. The New Testament did not change God but us. There are certain things about God that do not change. The only thing He cannot do is evil. It should be every man’s desire that God will look at him and say He has found a man after His own heart. God has made Christ be our righteousness. The word righteousness can also mean manner/style. It communicates the way (the manner) in which things are done. When people say there is God yet there is evil, you now understand that there is a part of God that just sits and wait for someone who is going to say, “Judge, this is not supposed to be so”. Some persons have died in sickness because nobody stood in the gap for them. When satan envied the throne of God, he did not know that his kind of heart cannot sit on that throne. Only a person like God can sit on the throne. If you don’t know righteousness and judgement, you cannot sit with God. If God’s throne is in our heart then we must begin to think the way He does because only that way can the kingdom of God find expression in us.

[biblegateway passage=”Proverbs 20:8″ display=”Proverbs 20:8″]- It is possible for a man to live in a way that God expects. God allowed Jesus to be exposed to many things; he was tempted and tested, He can expose you too. There is a way God thinks and does things, you must be formed after that fashion and put yourself in line. If God must accomplish kingdom through us, kingdom culture must be built in you. Everything that God does is what he is asking us to do.

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