Pastor Sola Ogidan

Last week we started the discussion about the kingdom from a simple and basic point of view. We looked at the kingdom from the perspective of the freedom given to us. We are citizens and we must understand what constitutes our freedom. [biblegateway passage=”Luke 16:16″ display=”Luke 16:16″] – There is a level of pressing that the kingdom demands and so it is important for the issue of the kingdom to be preached. People cannot reach out for what they do not desire and desire is birth by knowledge. Therefore, we must become more forceful with matters that pertain to the kingdom. We started this discussion of our freedom starting with our freedom from sin. [biblegateway passage=”Romans 14:17″ display=”Romans 14:17″] – whatsoever expression we will give to the kingdom must be within the reach of these three parameters; righteousness, joy and peace. If all these are not found in a matter, then it does not pertain to God’s kingdom. The full expression of God’s kingdom is within. The first thing every Christian must understand is our freedom and liberty from sin [biblegateway passage=”Romans 6:14″ display=”Romans 6:14″].

When we talk about the New Testament, we talk about experiences we are supposed to have not just things written on the pages of the book. Under the Old Testament, the provision of grace was not available but in the New Testament grace has been made available such that the impossibilities of the Old Testament are now possibilities in the New Testament. Paul described the law as weakness and unprofitability. In this provision of grace, we have the capacity to satisfy the requirement that could not be fulfilled in the Old Testament. Grace is not a permission, liberty or freedom to be lawless but a provision and empowerment to obey God. Grace is a dispensation of strength. The only way we can have the reality of the word of God in our lives is if we take it for what God said it is. [biblegateway passage=”John 8:30-36″ display=”John 8:30-36″], [biblegateway passage=”Hebrew 7: 18- 25″ display=”Hebrew 7: 18- 25″]

[biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 5:1-3″ display=”Hebrews 5:1-3″]

Under the law, the priest who was supposed to set people free from sin is subject to sin himself. He does not only offer sacrifices for the sin of the people but also offers sacrifices for his own sin. The priesthood in the Old Testament is limited by death which was caused by sin. Through Jesus’ death, we were saved from sin, apart from this that Jesus has done for us, He is still a priest till today not just so that our sins may be forgiven but He intercedes for us that we may be saved entirely from sin. He wants us to be saved to the uttermost. No other being is a pattern of salvation for us asides Jesus and the Father. Jesus has an unchangeable priesthood because He lives forever. Because Christ has power over sin and death, He is able to save to the uttermost.

  • Freedom from fear

[biblegateway passage=”Genesis 3: 8-10″ display=”Genesis 3: 8-10″]

Another basic thing that constitutes the Scope of our freedom is that we are free from fear. Since its advent, sin was not the only problem because it came with other things. One of the consequence that sin brought to us was that it brought fear that hung on guilt. Adam and Eve delighted to fellowship with God and vice versa until the fall. They commit sin, fear came in and then they withdrew from the presence of God. Romans 5: 1 – Justification and peace are two important things in this verse. Justification talks about righteousness and relates more directly to God and peace relates more with Man. God has declared man not guilty (Justification) but man has to agree that he is free (Peace).  Our entrance into the kingdom is not a celebration of righteousness but the celebration of peace which gives us the liberty to approach God.

[biblegateway passage=”Romans 8: 15″ display=”Romans 8: 15″]

The Spirit of adoption is also the spirit of liberty.  Fear was not in Adam before they sinned but sin brought in fear. The spirit of Adoption brings us into a relationship with the father Ephesians 3: 11-12. The procurement of access is not about man’s faith. Man was dead that he could not believe. God came to our rescue procuring the boldness to access God by Jesus’ faith. When man disobeys God, God does not ask that he withdraws, Man just withdraws from God naturally. Sin still has the same effect on us as it did in Eden but you should not allow satan to bring you under any condemnation. God can bring mercy but once you have submitted yourself to condemnation, you will reject what He has provided.

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