This topic about Vision speaks of sight and purpose. This is not from the perspective of God visiting you at night which if you seek, can open you up to the devil visiting you too. It’s absolutely God’s perogative to give such supernatural experience.

[biblegateway passage=”PROVERBS 29:18″ display=”PROVERBS 29:18″]

You have to align with divine purpose. The problem we have in the nation, is that the children of the Kingdom have no collective and individaul vision or purpose and are void of understanding. The reason there are a lot of problems in the nation today is because we have leaders who are blind. These leaders come out from amongst us. They are a reflection of who we are. We have leaders without prophetic sight. Even leaders in the Church presently are people who have no vision. Many can’t “see” beyond few weeks into the future whereas the developed nations see 50 years ahead and plan for it!

So the question i want to ask you today is what vision do you have for your future?  Does your vision go beyond this present world?

[biblegateway passage=”PROVERBS 29:18″ display=”PROVERBS 29:18″]

Beyond just knowing Bible, you should have sight about the future. The above text tells us that when there is no vision, the people will be scattered. Another version says, ‘The people will “run wild”’. We all have a limited time to live on earth. As we grow older, it should become more evident that we are drawing nearer to the grave. We ought to have a vision (purpose) for our lives- one that will summarize our existence on earth. King Solomon confessed that he had spent his life chasing after vanity. We must be careful not to fall in the same trap.

[biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 2:7″ display=”GENESIS 2:7″]; [biblegateway passage=”PHILLIPIANS 3:13″ display=”PHILLIPIANS 3:13″]

The Hebrew version of the text in Genesis translates ‘breath of life’ as ‘breath of lives’. We have the natural life and others like the soul life, mental life etc. Also we can look at life from the perspective of your academics, marriage etc. So there are many aspects of our lives that we must bring together into harmony. This means that we must bring these different parts into harmony, because once any part is out of balance, all the other aspects will not function well.

We need to go to God and take our time to enquire of His purposes. We must seek God’s face concerning all aspects of our lives. Every aspect of our lives have been provided for by God. We will be required to give account for every one of them.

We are challenged today, to seek God for direction and purpose for our lives. God will not appear to all of us like He did for Paul, but we owe ourselves the responsibility of finding out what purpose we must fulfil. It is expedient we seek His face for what  has been written concerning us.

God has provisions for every individual to fulfil His purpose for their lives but this is within the context of salvation. We need to ask God for sight. There is a need for us to demonstrate the manifold wisdom of God.

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Purpose will stabilize you, it will teach you how to say no in the face of wrong opportunities. Just like in the case of Joseph. He was offered alternatives and even sought out an alternatives on his own (when he asked the cup-bearer to remember him when he was back in the palace), but at the end of the day, what kept him was his purpose. Focus is non-negotiable.

God expects you to do the seeking and the asking . God will take your steps and align it in the right path (Province. 16:1-3).

We cannot run our lives by ourselves, you must kill the idea of being “self-made”. Ask God for sight. We must be sure that God has beckoned on us before we move. We should never be presumptuous about God’s leading. We don’t know how tomorrow will play out, but we will arrive at the destination because God is involved . We should have the mind of a sailor- that we will arrive on the other side. Never let circumstances take you away or divert your movement or professional in life. Do not compromise God’s word. Let us ask God for sight/purpose within His overall plan. Make it your life ambition to finish what God has shown you.

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