If you lay your foundation well, nothing will move you, not even a horrible marriage. Many of us handle sin with levity but sin is a task master.

If you don’t love everything that pertains to a woman, as a woman, you will not come to the perfection of the beauty of womanhood.

A woman’s menses should remind her that Jesus shed his blood for her. It should also remind her of the fact that she is fertile. Every woman should embrace her menstruation as it is as an integral part of her beauty, it should not be detested. You need a very good knowledge of your menstrual cycle. Ignorance causes a lot of pains and it is responsible for a lot of dysfunctional lives and marriages.

[biblegateway passage=”1 PETER 3:1-7″ display=”1 PETER 3:1-7″]; [biblegateway passage=”EPHESIANS 5:21″ display=”EPHESIANS 5:21″]

Submission is simply allowing the head to be head; allowing the leader to be the leader. Don’t agree to marry a man you cannot submit to. Your husband’s survival depends on your submission.

Submission makes the woman to get a covering. When in submission, a woman gets double covering from her husband and the Lord. When out of submission, she gets about no covering because she is disobedient to the Lord.

When we are beautiful within, it radiates on the outside. Without being beautiful inside, we become like a white-washed grave. Ornaments are corruptible but a meek and quiet spirit are unending. Quietness is a state of rest in the Lord.

Trust in God brings out the beauty in us. Sarah obeyed and called Abraham Lord. As God’s daughters, we are also Sarah’s daughters.

Men need to dwell with women according to knowledge. Not doing that can lead to hindered prayers. We must always understand that man is weak and the woman is weaker; only God is strong. Both men and women can carry the Spirit of God, there is no female Holy Spirit.

Women deserve honour from men. They should be honoured like they are weaker vessels. Both husband and wife are joint-heirs of the grace of God.

To radiate God’s glory, every one needs to deal with the past. We must let go of the hurts of the past. Abuse can be properly handled with help from the Holy Spirit. +A woman is a feeler but she must learn never to manipulate her husband with her feelings. She is intuitive and her intuition should not be taken for granted.

A woman is a lover. She can also be a hater. She can go to any length to show her love and hate.

A woman is compassionate, soft and she is capable of deep feelings. She can get very emotional and burst into tears. However, a believer should not control her husband with her tears.

A woman’s joy is contagious and her sadness too.

A woman has unstable moods because of hormones. However, the help of the Holy Spirit can bring stability.

A woman processes information long after the man has forgotten. She sees many sides of issues. +Men are logical, they speak when they think. Women speak when they feel. We can work out these things for balance.

A man is full of ego, he is a king, he wants respect and honour. He requires the Holy Spirit to put these things in check.

Both men and women need prayers, divine wisdom are required to create the harmony needed at home.

Sex is very crucial. It is not ordinary. The spirit, soul and body are in fellowship during sex. As such, we should be wary of loose men and women. Avoid activities and friends that wear you out of your beauty.

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