GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 4 (Morning Session) Part 2


[biblegateway passage=”PHILIPPIANS 3:1-21″ display=”PHILIPPIANS 3:1-21″], [biblegateway passage=”MATTHEW 5:48″ display=”MATTHEW 5:48″]; [biblegateway passage=”2 TIMOTHY 4:7 ” display=”2 TIMOTHY 4:7 “]


Paul the Apostle, having written six epistles previously, revealed in Philippians how all his achievements were nothing for the sake of Christ. We are highly encouraged to achieve things in the flesh and in the Spirit but we must be aware that whatever we do is for the purpose of gaining Christ. Going unto perfection does not mean jettisoning our foundation; having put a sure foundation in place, we have to migrate to higher things in God.

One of the attitudes of perfection is a constant dissatisfaction with our current state. We must never be contented with the status quo. No matter how high you get in God, you must know that you cannot exhaust Him; there is always room for more. We must perpetually be dissatisfied with our current positions at every point because there are lots of things in God.

Perfection might seem vague but we must know that the Ultimate Perfection is Christ, He is the Person of Perfection. Until we own Christ, we are not perfect yet. Perfection is being like Christ. We must always pay attention to the fact that Christ is the standard. Jesus apprehended us so that we can apprehend him. He is the ‘SI’ unit of Perfection. The only person God introduced to us was Jesus. He is the standard and we must pay attention to Him.

Perfection is completeness, it is the convergence of all things. To be perfect is to have it all together under God. Furthermore, for us to be perfect, it is very crucial to know and do all that has been written concerning us in the volume of the book in the Court Room of Heaven (Psalm 40:7; Hebrews 10:7). Paul knew what was written concerning him and so he knew went he had not done it all. He was also able to know when he got to the finish line and he was bold to declare ‘I have fought a good fight’.

Pressing connotes a desperate pursuit of God. We have to be forceful and passionate about our pursuit of God. It is a life and death issue. No matter how good things get, you can always get better. There is always more in God.

Focus is another attitude of perfection. We should pay attention to the goal that has been set before us though there are distractions everywhere. There are a whole lot of distractions in our 21st century lives. In fact, distractions seem to be the main things while the things that really matter look like distractions. When you have attained something, keep it and go for more. Do not waste time, always focus on what has been set for you to do.

In order to be perfect, we must discern the correct examples and follow them. We are blessed with all manners of gifts in the Body of Christ and we should learn from them as far as they are in line with Christ. We shouldn’t imitate those who set their minds on earthly things. God has made provisions for our perfection, so we should always look for ways of improving ourselves with the resources he has made available to us. God is so good that he instructs us and he makes provisions for us to obey.

If we must be perfect, we need the right attitudes. Anything short of this will make us look like jokers.

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