GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 2 (Evening Session) Part 2


[biblegateway passage=”ISAIAH 40:1-5 ” display=”ISAIAH 40:1-5 “]

The valleys, the hills, the mountains and the crooked places talk about people’s lives. The valleys are areas of defeat. God is taking over the areas of defeat in our lives as He elevates the valleys in our lives. The mountains and the hills are areas of intimidation. They are situations that challenge us to our cores. Since God is taking us to perfection, the mountains will be whipped into plains. Crooked things are corrupt things that have come to define us and they must be done away with.

There are valleys, mountains, hills and crooked things right in the Church today. We don’t need to go into the world to see them. As such, the Church needs reformation to get back in line.

The plan of God for each one of us is to grow but it is pathetic that the Church is really not interested in making people grow. We would rather culture church goers who are dependent on some superstar ministers. However, we have to defiantly advance to produce strong men. The Church is not a place for pampering people; it is a place where soldiers are raised to take on the nations in warfare. It is a place to train people in spiritual warfare.

[biblegateway passage=”1 JOHN 3:1-2″ display=”1 JOHN 3:1-2″]; [biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 3:15″ display=”GENESIS 3:15″]; [biblegateway passage=”LUKE 1:35″ display=”LUKE 1:35″]; [biblegateway passage=”MATTHEW 17:1-4″ display=”MATTHEW 17:1-4″]

Going unto perfection is a progressive thing. We are born as children but we continue to mature in attitude and aptitude until we are fully grown.

Adam was made perfect; He could cross an ocean without needing a boat; he named everything by virtue of his limitless capacity. However, he missed the mark when he yielded to temptation thereby making man fall.

We are in for Divine infusions as we go unto perfection. The genetic materials of the Godhead will have to come into us. Perfection is about raising God-men in the order of the Seed of the Woman.

The Laws and the Prophets were two tools that God used to shape up things in the Old Testament. At the Mount of Transfiguration, the two interfaced thereby charting a course for the future. Jesus took His disciples to the Mount as scribes and witnesses to the birthing of God’s plan in the new order. Any time God deems it fit to visit you, grab it with two hands. It is no time for joke.

[biblegateway passage=”JOHN 12:24″ display=”JOHN 12:24″]; [biblegateway passage=”1 CORINTHIANS 3:2″ display=”1 CORINTHIANS 3:2″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 5:14″ display=”HEBREWS 5:14″]

Jesus died so that the life of God can be perpetuated on the earth. A seed can only bring forth bountiful fruit after it falls to the ground and dies. Jesus’ death happened to guarantee that we will be raised after His order of perfection. Jesus wanted to transfer the divine gene of God, so he had to die so that we might receive the life and genetics of God. The question is ‘What are you doing with that life?’. We have to get up and get moving.

As a perfection conscious people, we have to have our head up in heaven and our feet on the earth. The oracles that we receive from God should help give us bearing on earth. We should be able to affect society with the wisdom of God.

[biblegateway passage=”EPHESIANS 4:7-13″ display=”EPHESIANS 4:7-13″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 2:15″ display=”HEBREWS 2:15″]; [biblegateway passage=”1 TIMOTHY 3:16 ” display=”1 TIMOTHY 3:16 “]

Grace comes in measures and we must ensure that we get the measure allotted to us to be able to do all that has been written concerning us in the volume of the books. Jesus went into Hades to do three things: To destroy him that had the power of death; To take the key of hell and death; To deliver those who were subject to death all their lifetime. Jesus needed to die to procure a ticket to hell in order to do His assignment.

God wants to prepare us in such a manner that we become unconquerable. When he resurrected from the dead, he gave us the five fold ministry gifts so that we can be made perfect. The ministry gifts are not about titles; they are about mantles. If you are so concerned about your title, you most likely do not have the mantle. The mantle speaks.

In bringing the Church into perfection, God has to bring us into maturity in holiness, love, power, order, unity and glory. Holiness is not about human standards; it is about God’s higher standards. The Church has got to come into true love again, if not, we will be far from perfection. Concerning power, people should no longer come to church in wheel chairs and return the same way. The Church is one of the most lawless places today but God will have to restore order as we head for perfection. We need to be united as a people if perfection must be possible. The glory of the Lord will come in dimensions that we have not experienced before. Going unto perfection is going unto the fullness of Christ in holiness, love, power, order, unity and glory.

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