GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 2 (Evening Session) Part 1



“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”;

If you can’t stand before God, you really have no right to stand before men. Don’t be eager to talk to people when you have not received something from God. You cannot birth what you have not conceived. If you are in a hurry to stand before men without the patience to stand before God in prayer; if you cannot find a secret place, you cannot impact souls. Communication in the spirit is deeper than human language. If we only come from files and books, we will have no effect on people’s souls. The attitude for conception in the spirit is to bow our knees, that is why Paul used words like ‘I cease not to pray for you’.

We need meetings with God where people withdraw from their life attachments and all to seek the Lord. We need an awakening, a call unto experiencing the things of God and not just mere head knowledge.

The effectiveness of the Pauline writings can be traced to the the place of prayer. He ceased not to pray concerning his mandate and the people to whom he was sent. As a Church today, we need to withdraw from showmanship and retreat to the place where burdens are conceived.

We must be wary of competitive teachings in our conferences and conventions. Our meetings must birth burdens in people. We need an awakening as we need to be a people that bear the burdens of the Lord.

If we are going to come to perfection (‘teleos’) which is the place of completion of every potential in God, it will not be accomplished by human energy but by Divine provisions. Dependence on God is the hallmark of perfection. Maturity in the earth is to become more and more independent whereas maturity in the Spirit is to be more and more dependent on God. The biggest expression of the Antichrist is to make man totally independent of God.

The Lord wants us to get to a place where we depend on Him solely. That is why seemingly reliable politicians will not be able to help us. We must come to a place where we know the Lord wholly as our Judge, Lawgiver, King and Saviour.

The Kingdom of God advances forcefully and the only way to go unto perfection is to submit ourselves to that force. The people that will be perfected are those who will hand over the control of their lives unto God, those who can trust God to lead them on no matter how tempting it is to back out.

We need sincere hearts and burdens so that we can be led and shown the way to go by God. Those who are smart in their own eyes cannot be led into perfection. The really smart people are those who are meek enough to be led of God.

Prophecy: There is going to be another pouring out of the Spirit as there will be a Sabbath separated unto God in the year 2017. There will be great conversions even on government seats and it will be said on the news that world class politicians encountered Jesus.

[biblegateway passage=”MATTHEW 19:16-26″ display=”MATTHEW 19:16-26″]; [biblegateway passage=”PHILIPPIANS 2:13″ display=”PHILIPPIANS 2:13″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 8:26″ display=”ROMANS 8:26″]; [biblegateway passage=”ISAIAH 62:1-2 ” display=”ISAIAH 62:1-2 “]

Some people think that the Old Testament should not be reckoned with. They forget that the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old. God is a progressive, sequential, ongoing and advancing being. Just like many lower qualifications are build ups to a PhD degree, God does not invalidate the Old because there is a New Testament. The new is the consummation of the old. The Bible is not a mere story book. It is Spirit and it is life to those who are being perfected, for those who can mine the treasures in it.

The New Testament is not a regime of moral laws; it is a dispensation of open hearts. It is not about human regulations; it is about the dealings of the heart.

The Rich Young Ruler had fulfilled all known laws but he still lacked the ability to follow Jesus. We cannot be perfect until we sell everything that will prevent us from following Jesus and actually get to follow Him. God sets standards according to His provision. The standard of perfection is not according to human ability, rather, it is according to Divine ability. God has made every necessary provision to make perfection possible for us.

We show our dependence on God by praying always. We cannot be perfect when we outgrow neediness and dependence on God. Prayer is an act of making commitment to God. There must be periods that some longings inside of you drives you away from the face of men to seek God. We must understand that the standards God sets are only going to be accomplished by His own provision. Our position simply is to be ready.

We cannot make progress, we cannot advance the cause of perfection if there are no burdens to be like Jesus Christ. He is the definition and personification of a perfection.

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