If the picture of the future or God’s promises are not properly painted, people would not correctly pursue them. And if a wrong future or promises are painted, God is not obliged to give or respond. As the church and bride of God, we need to pay attention to exactly what God said and is saying and not what people said or are saying. We will run the wrong race if we have a false hope. As such, we must have the idea of perfection properly painted for us so that we can run properly.

Matthew 24:24

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

The church should never get to the place where men become the standard. In this season we are in, deceptions are very common. Jesus even mentioned that if it were possible the very saints would be deceived. Satan is very committed to deceiving believers so that they will not finish well. This is the reason why we need to rightly divide the word of truth.

There are different truths in the Bible. Similar to the school curricula, there are different courses we must learn, master and prove our proficiency in. The Bible is the curriculum of God and we must lay hold of the precious promises therein.

[biblegateway passage=”Genesis 26:16-22″ display=”Genesis 26:16-22″]

After the death of the Apostles, the church went into “the dark age”. According to Church history, the foundation laid by the Church Apostles was thwarted. Water and wine are usually regarded as teaching and doctrine. The Apostles dug certain wells representing the mind of God for the body. When the enemy came, he shut down the well of living waters dug in the days of the Apostles. People began to worship God the way they felt.

The Philistines were supposedly the enemies of God. They were responsible for stopping the wells dug in the days of Abraham, during the days of famine. If the persecution of the early church appears to the Church today, we would react differently because we have, somehow, lost access to the well of life dug by Jesus through the Apostles. It is so comfortable for Satan after he shut down the wells dug in the days of the Apostles. The church is pursuing something else, praying wrong prayers.

The funny thing was that after Isaac dug another well in a time of famine, the Phillistines shut it up again. The Devil is likened to a ninja, trained to use any weapon to kill. That thing that we call useful (revelation, knowledge and so on) can be turned around to harm us.

If we are going to come into perfection, we would need to have the right teachings and accurate knowledge. The intention of God is that we become fruitful. So, the seed of God must be placed in the right soil, the right heart.

[biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 5:1-12″ display=”Hebrews 5:1-12″]

There are two sets of people, the ignorant and those that are out of the way. In seeing the kingdom, we need to have seen the way (Jesus). Paul was writing to the Hebrew church and he contrasted his writing with the Old Testament. A person without compassion could not have been our high priest. God does not want an high priest that cannot identify with the people.

In the Psalms, it has been written that Jesus is a Priest after the order of Melchisedec. There is a problem with our understanding of the word “perfection”.

God cannot sin, even if He is cast into hell and taught for years how to sin. When Jesus left heaven, he was able to be tempted with all temptations that could come to men. Jesus endured the contradictions of sinners.

Jesus was made perfect so that he could become the author of eternal salvation unto all that obey him. Our salvation is predicated on us obeying Jesus in all things. There are three supposed levels of obedience

1. Family (obey your parents)

2. The Word

3. The Holy Ghost

The Hebrew Church was not ready and matured for somethings that Paul wanted to write about Melchizedek and some other things. The Church cannot grow without patience and understanding of the word. If we don’t understand properly, the devil purposes in himself to kill the seed.

There are so may seed that God has planted in our hearts that have not fully grown and become trees.

Hebrews 5:12

For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.”

It is an eyesore to have a ten year old not being able to walk. It is not natural for a ten year old baby to be crawling. In the same way, it is nothing to be proud of if we still need teachers when we are supposed to be teachers. The Church cannot continue to feed on milk, it is an abnormality. God will not accept that. If we refuse to grow and leave babyhood stage, God may discard you.

As the children of Israel progressed in the wilderness, those who failed to follow the pillar of cloud were left behind without protection.

Doctrines of men don’t have power to restrain us from evil. It is the understanding of the oracles of God.

Taking Milk or Meat is simply the capacity to handle teachings and instructions.

David grew from using catapult to fight Goliath to wielding Goliath’s very sword to take down nations and giants. We cannot continue on the same level; we have to advance. If we have to go unto perfection, we have to migrate from babyhood.

There is a place called completion that we must move to. We have to be perfected. We have to advance; retrogression and stagnancy will not do us any good. We must keep growing by surmounting the incessant challenges that come our ways.


I want to grow and become more like Jesus.

I break lose of cultural and religious barriers.

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