The Harvest (Day 3: Morning Session I)


Anytime you bring God into any matter, you need patience; you don’t push or press God. The Bible doesn’t tell us to pray that God comes quickly. We should rather pray that God helps us become sons quickly. There is no need going on a high speed on a wrong road. We should pursue the law of the spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus, if we master that then rapture will become normal to us. If we don’t grow up, we won’t go up.

Some people are in Church yet they are not in touch with God. We need to constantly move closer to Him. It is the soul that needs pastoring not the spirit or the body. The soul is both a walker and a worker; our soul does is fond of moving away from God and it needs to develop strength to walk and work. It has the ability to work both righteousness and iniquity. The soul needs to be taught how to walk because it is the walker. Souls are different based on various factors, make-ups, environment and exposure.

You just can’t get up and make impacts if there are have been no inputs. To save a soul you will make so many inputs to make impact. The soul needs input to have revival. To revive is to ‘make live again’.  Apostle Paul was named Saul but he was changed to Paul which means ‘little’. He was called ‘little’ because of the height of what he would download in the spirit. He must be ‘little’ or humble to fulfil the purpose of God. So many of us don’t know our names in the spirit. Your name is your ministry, what you are called in the spirit is what you are called to fulfil. You must step into the name you have been called to fulfil in the spirit.

MATTHEW 13:24-25: ”  Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.”

The enemy stole a technology from God and that is bringing forth seeds. Seeing is the abundance of saying. In the beginning, ‘God said’ over and over again before He eventually saw. God saw because He did not change what He’s been saying. You see what you say. Adam was a tree planted in the garden, he was from the earth. Eve’s foundation was the man so if she was going to stand at all, the man must stand and if the man was going to stand at all then the earth must stand. The woman was from the man and the man was from the earth.

Crown is from the word ‘to surround’, that you will be crowned with royal diadems doesn’t mean you will have 12 heads to put on 12 crowns. It is to be surrounded with different dimensions. God made the spirit, He formed the flesh and the soul appeared. Adam didn’t die the first day he sinned, it took time for the remaining life in his flesh to be expired.

We have called death life and life death. We postpone our harvest to the future. Resurrection is not a date or an event; RESURRECTION IS A PERSON ([biblegateway passage=”John 11:25″ display=”John 11:25″]). God wants to harvest spirits, souls and bodies unto Himself. He will save the spirit and harvest us and we will be fully His. He sows His seed so that our soul keeps changing ([biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 10:39″ display=”Hebrews 10:39″]). Truth is a person and not Bible study. The soul must be able to come to the knowledge of the truth, the truth must be formed in our souls. Death is a result of our inability to come to life or the fullness of life in our souls. Men who carry life has their aging processes slow down, His life must manifest in our flesh. Many Christians see [biblegateway passage=”2 Corinthians 4:10 ” display=”2 Corinthians 4:10 “]and close it, yet they want to be raptured. God needs ALL of us-our spirit, soul and body. Angels could not understand the technology of God, they wanted to peep in but they were not given the chance: they could not understand how the Almighty God could become a bouncing baby boy. Jesus gave up the ghost so that we can have the Holy Ghost.

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