DANIEL 2:36-49
Bible prophecies are not so direct to interpret. They require a lot of understanding to interpret. It is easy to think that Nebuchadnezzar became as great as he was because of his military prowess and meanness but the Bible reveals that his greatness can only be ascribed to God. God gave him a kingdom, power, strength and glory because God’s is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. The progressions of the kingdoms in Nebuchadnezzar’s vision reveal a decrease in strength down the line despite the fact that every successive kingdom had better resources and opportunities than the previous ones. In spite of the advanced technologies of today’s world powers, they are nowhere near the Babylonian Empire which is the head of gold. This can be explained by the degree to which each successive Empire feared God.
Jesus came at a time when the Roman Empire held sway. His death and resurrection birthed the Church. The Church is the stone cut out from the mountain without hands. The Church is designed to deal with corruption which is typified by Babylon. Corruption is anything that is anti-Christ. Corruption is opposed to God’s dominion. The nations of the world are sold out to achieve world-domination. World-domination stemmed from the natural tendency of man to control other men. We can trace that concept to the Building of the Tower of Babel. Noah could not have built his Ark without Divine help. He needed a vast amount of resources to build the Ark.
The present world economic system thrives on the principle of the ignorant servicing those who are in the know. Resources flow in the direction of the knowledgeable. That model was got from Joseph’s activities in Egypt during the record breaking famine archived in the Bible. The world is at the verge of an economic collapse. When that happens, the true state of the hearts of many believers will be revealed. Many statements Jesus made are economical in nature. For instance, he warned us to not put our trust in uncertain riches. As believers, we have to prepare our hearts for the looming crisis. We have to know our God so that we can do exploits.
II KINGS 18:1-21
Wrong leadership has always been the bane of development in every society. Ahab, as a result of his wickedness, put all of Israel in jeopardy. There was a terrible famine but the king always had bread to eat and wine to drink. Every nation rises and falls on leadership. There is a terrible wickedness in leadership. It is to keep the followership impoverished so that the leadership can always bear rule. The demons that ruled in Africa in the past seem to still be in charge today. African leaders sold their people as slaves in the past. Most African leaders today are taking actions that are enslaving their people, though those actions may not be so obvious. The Church should have a prophetic edge, understanding the times and knowing where to turn at every point in time like the impressive Sons of Issachar. We should always know the direction things will go and position ourselves strategically.